How can I remove my address from Mail?

I have a few email accounts set up in Mail. One of them is my email address. At some point (maybe after I switched to iCloud), Mail started including the address in the list of potential from: addresses. Is there any way to convince it to not include the address? I don't ever want to use it.


Sorry, I may have been unclear. I want to continue using the address. I just don't want the address in the popup list or to have Mail automatically enter it in the From field when I create a new message.

Solution 1:

Actually, if you just want to remove the "@me" from the "from" drop down when creating an email (I found this excruciatingly annoying), go to Preferences, Account Information, and then in the Email Address field, delete the "@me" address, so that only your cool .Mac is in there.

Solution 2:

Go to Mail's Preferences / Accounts / Advanced and deselect the Activate this account checkbox. This should do the trick.

Solution 3:

If you want to completely remove the account and all associated data from your hard drive.

Go to: Mail > Preferences

enter image description here

In the tab choose Accounts:

enter image description here

Chose your .me account:

enter image description here

Here you can remove it with the - button

Then in the popup simply choose to remove:

enter image description here