How can I batch rename files to copy them from OS X to Windows NTFS?

I am trying to copy a large number of files to an NTFS formatted Windows 7 machine from a Mac OS formatted external hard drive. I am mounting the drive by attaching it to my Airport Extreme Router. This gives me access to copy files, however, it chokes on thousands of files that have names with various characters that are not supported in filenames on Windows.

There are too many files to fix it manually. I am looking for an automated way to move the files to the NTFS drive. I am okay with the files being renamed, but I would prefer to not have to play a guessing game of which characters to rename across a folder with thousands of files. Any ideas?

Solution 1:

You might want to try the application A Better Finder Rename. It has a built-in function to convert Mac file & folder names to legal Windows file & folder names:

enter image description here

Naturally, somebody will come along later and throw a smattering of regex in a bash script for you to puzzle out, but ABFR does this kind of thing so easily. It can even create a droplet app onto which you can 'drop' files & folders to be processed. It is a handy tool to have in your toolbox if you aren't a strong programmer, or don't have the time, or both.