Is there a term to describe a human who has been turned into an animal by some external force or actor?

Solution 1:

I think the problem you ha e here is expecting that everything is already categorized. However, not everything is. Many things have been categorized by many different people that haven't lasted the test of time because no-one thought the categorization worth their trouble. For example, Foucault in his book on The Order of Things, said once he was looking over an ancient Chinese encyclopedia and marveling how differently they had categorized phenomena from Europeans.

Shapeshifter doesn't work since it's basically a term from fantasy literature and not part of any officially recognized lexicon. Ovid once wrote a book of poems on shape changes in mythology. He called it Metamorphoses. You might want to try that - but I don't think that's a great fot either being a wide term. I suspect that you would be best describing the transformations that you're interested in full sentences rather than cryptic one or two-worders.