What is the meaning of "someone runs down the tree"? [closed]

Solution 1:

Someone is upstairs and he hears someone knoking on the door. So he wants to answer the door in a hurry, then "he runs down the stairs" to answer the door. Does this example have the meaning of coming downstairs in a hurry to open the door?

It is possible to run down stairs. It is possible to run down a hill. If you are a human, you can not run down a tree - only squirrels can do that.

For humans, running means that you balance on your legs in an almost upright position and move your legs rapidly along a surface. To descend rapidly from a tree you have two options (1) you jump (2) you climb down the tree quickly.

In response to "Jack and the Beanstalk"

This Jack is running down the beanstalk enter image description here

This Jack is climbing down the beanstalk enter image description here