C++: Getting a temporary file, cross-platform

I'm looking for a cross-platform way of getting designated a temporary file. For example in linux that would be in the /tmp dir and in Windows in something akin to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp.

Does a cross-platform (Boost?) solution to this exist?


I need this file to exist until the program terminates. tmpfile() does not guarantee that. Quoting from ccpreference:

The temporary file created is automatically deleted when the stream is closed (fclose) or when the program terminates normally.

Solution 1:

The Boost Filesystem library, from version 3 of that library, can be used to create a temporary file name. It also offers a crisp solution. Indeed, the following C++ code should be platform independent:

// Boost.Filesystem VERSION 3 required
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
boost::filesystem::path temp = boost::filesystem::unique_path();
const std::string tempstr    = temp.native();  // optional

The filesystem path object temp can be used to open a file or create a subdirectory, while the string object tempstr offers the same information as a string.

Solution 2:

If you use Qt: QTemporaryFile class is perfect.

Solution 3:

The standard C library contains a function called tmpfile, it probably does what you need: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdio/tmpfile/

You can use it in C++ programs as well.

If you need only file name, you can use tmpnam, it doesn't delete the file when fclose is called. It returns full file path, including the temp directory.

The C way:

const char *name = tmpnam(NULL);  // Get temp name
FILE *fp = fopen(name, "w");  // Create the file
// ...

Solution 4:

You can use the C Standard Library function tmpfile.