C++ int to byte array

I have this method in my java code which returns byte array for given int:

private static byte[] intToBytes(int paramInt)
     byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte[4];
     ByteBuffer localByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         arrayOfByte[(3 - i)] = localByteBuffer.array()[i];
     return arrayOfByte;

Can someone give me tip how can i convert that method to C++?

You don't need a whole function for this; a simple cast will suffice:

int x;

Any object in C++ can be reinterpreted as an array of bytes. If you want to actually make a copy of the bytes into a separate array, you can use std::copy:

int x;
char bytes[sizeof x];
std::copy(static_cast<const char*>(static_cast<const void*>(&x)),
          static_cast<const char*>(static_cast<const void*>(&x)) + sizeof x,

Neither of these methods takes byte ordering into account, but since you can reinterpret the int as an array of bytes, it is trivial to perform any necessary modifications yourself.

Using std::vector<unsigned char>:

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

vector<unsigned char> intToBytes(int paramInt)
     vector<unsigned char> arrayOfByte(4);
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         arrayOfByte[3 - i] = (paramInt >> (i * 8));
     return arrayOfByte;