Does Ashley ever apologize or can I tell her I don't trust her?

I hated how Ashley distrusted Shepard (despite me blowing up the collector base), but after she got injured I forgave her (she just almost died, I felt bad). But then she pulls out a gun on me! I was very disappointed that I couldn't voice this when she wanted to comeback to the Normandy, it just seemed that both answers (whether to allow her back or not) were more of because of her talents; I couldn't say "You're great but I can't trust you to take my orders so go to Hacket."

So I guess my question is: Is there ever a time in the game where she apologizes for pulling a gun on me, or ever a time where I can tell her I can't trust her anymore? (I know it's a game but part of the reason I love BioWare games is because it addresses these real world concerns, or at least it usually does.)

When asking to get back together with Shepard she mentions the gunwaving as one of the things to get past, but never truly apologises. She states wishes that she had gone with Shepard in the second game in various mission commentary, however that's the extent of it.