How to say in a compact way: an increase of something is due to decrease in something else

I am examining temporal trends in the sale numbers of apples, pears and bananas. And I found a significant 5 percentage point increase for apples and a significant 5 percentage point decrease for bananas. The sales of pears remained constant during the observed time period.

What is a better and more compact way for saying the following:

There was an increase in the sales of apples, simultaneously decreasing the number of bananas.

What is a good word for saying that apples increase can be attributed to the decrease of bananas?

Solution 1:


This answer doesn't do justice to the demand of the question and I suggest that OP wait for the definitive answer. In fact, as has been brought to my notice by some enlightened members here, this answer is technically wrong.

I think inversely proportional is the term you're looking for.

[Pear sales being constant], apples sales were inversely proportional to banana sales— [the former registering a 5% increase, and the latter a 5% decrease.]

You could do away with the bracketed elements depending on what you wish to keep and what you wish to omit.

Thanks to @Jim for suggesting that I reconsider fine-tuning my answer to meet precisely the demand of the question.

Solution 2:

The briefest statement may be :

Apple and banana sales were negatively correlated.

Correlate = to establish a mutual or reciprocal relation between

Merriam Webster

In positive correlation, both increase or decrease together; in negative correlation, one increases as the other decreases.

negative correlation means that there is an inverse relationship between two variables - when one variable decreases, the other increases.

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