Automatically cancel order after X days if no payment in WooCommerce

Solution 1:

Update 4

Note: in WooCommerce, there is already a function hooked in woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_orders action hook that cancel unpaid orders after 7 days.

I didn't find woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_submitted action hook, so I don't know if it exist and if it is triggered.

Now there is some mistakes in your code and you can better use wc_get_orders() which give you directly the correct array of WC_Order Objects instead…

Here are some different ways to make it (last ones are untested):

1) This last solution is tested and works When shop manager or administrator user roles browse the Admin orders list (only executed once a day):

add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', 'cancel_unpaid_orders' );
function cancel_unpaid_orders() {
    global $pagenow, $post_type;

    // Enable the process to be executed daily when browsing Admin order list 
    if( 'shop_order' === $post_type && 'edit.php' === $pagenow 
        && get_option( 'unpaid_orders_daily_process' ) < time() ) :

    $days_delay = 5; // <=== SET the delay (number of days to wait before cancelation)

    $one_day    = 24 * 60 * 60;
    $today      = strtotime( date('Y-m-d') );

    // Get unpaid orders (5 days old)
    $unpaid_orders = (array) wc_get_orders( array(
        'limit'        => -1,
        'status'       => 'on-hold',
        'date_created' => '<' . ( $today - ($days_delay * $one_day) ),
    ) );

    if ( sizeof($unpaid_orders) > 0 ) {
        $cancelled_text = __("The order was cancelled due to no payment from customer.", "woocommerce");

        // Loop through orders
        foreach ( $unpaid_orders as $unpaid_order ) {
            $unpaid_order->update_status( 'cancelled', $cancelled_text );
    // Schedule the process to the next day (executed once restriction)
    update_option( 'unpaid_orders_daily_process', $today + $one_day );


Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme).

2) This third solution is tested and works: The function is triggered when any order change to "processing" or "completed" status (only executed once a day):

// Triggered on orders status change to "processing" or "completed"
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_changed', 'daily_cancel_unpaid_orders', 10, 4 );
function daily_cancel_unpaid_orders( $order_id, $old_status, $new_status, $order ) {
    // Enable the process to be executed daily
    if( in_array( $new_status, array('processing', 'completed') ) 
        && get_option( 'unpaid_orders_daily_process' ) < time() ) :

    $days_delay = 5; // <=== SET the delay (number of days to wait before cancelation)

    $one_day    = 24 * 60 * 60;
    $today      = strtotime( date('Y-m-d') );

    // Get unpaid orders (5 days old)
    $unpaid_orders = (array) wc_get_orders( array(
        'limit'        => -1,
        'status'       => 'on-hold',
        'date_created' => '<' . ( $today - ($days_delay * $one_day) ),
    ) );

    if ( sizeof($unpaid_orders) > 0 ) {
        $cancelled_text = __("The order was cancelled due to no payment from customer.", "woocommerce");

        // Loop through WC_Order Objects
        foreach ( $unpaid_orders as $order ) {
            $order->update_status( 'cancelled', $cancelled_text );
    // Schedule the process to the next day (executed once restriction)
    update_option( 'unpaid_orders_daily_process', $today + $one_day );


Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme).

3) So you can try with woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_submitted action hook:

add_action( 'woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_submitted', 'cancel_unpaid_orders' );
function cancel_unpaid_orders() {
    $days_delay = 5; // <=== SET the delay (number of days to wait before cancelation)

    $one_day    = 24 * 60 * 60;
    $today      = strtotime( date('Y-m-d') );

    // Get unpaid orders (5 days old here)
    $unpaid_orders = (array) wc_get_orders( array(
        'limit'        => -1,
        'status'       => 'on-hold',
        'date_created' => '<' . ( $today - ($days_delay * $one_day) ),
    ) );

    if ( sizeof($unpaid_orders) > 0 ) {
        $cancelled_text = __("The order was cancelled due to no payment from customer.", "woocommerce");

        // Loop through orders
        foreach ( $unpaid_orders as $order ) {
            $order->update_status( 'cancelled', $cancelled_text );

Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme).

The function code should better works. For the hook I really don't know.

4) You can try also with woocommerce_cancel_unpaid_orders action hook instead.