What are some of the better backup software tools available?
This is something that we've been struggling with for a while. What backup software is worth its weight? Do you use an enterprise-grade application with all the bells & whistles, or something homegrown, like some badass shell scripts or batch files to get the job done?
Post a link if you think the program you're using is good enough to share.
Community Wiki, so there is no wrong answer.
For a serious site, BackupExec is very, very powerful, but the complexity and license costs are high, and it's probably not worth it for a small site.
I mostly work on small sites, and there are three main programs I use.
ntbackup - it's simple, but it does the job, and it supports exchange/open files.
Cobian - incremental local backups, it can sometimes fail to delete them when it should (path too long), but it's fairly solid, and has reporting to let you know when it fails.
rsync - Rock solid, the best remote backup software I've used. Deltacopy is a Windows wrapper that supports scheduling, automatic retries, and email reporting. It also has a Windows server part, so you don't need any *NIX at all (if you don't want it).
Covers all the bases and works well enough but doesn't totally break the bank. I've done my fair share of wrestling with the product but once I get it working, it rarely falters.
For Unix file backup I use rsnapshot. It's rsync based, but does a good job of keeping multiple historical versions without wasting disk. Since it's rsync it's rock solid and works well for network backups as well.
For Windows backup of both files and full system, Acronis looks like the best bet.
Netbackup ... works :-)