HTML DOM: Which events do not bubble?

Most events bubble in all browsers. However, I know that in Internet Explorer "submit" events do not bubble. What are the other events that do not bubble?

Solution 1:

HTML frame/object

  • load
  • unload
  • scroll (except that a scroll event on document must bubble to the window)

HTML form

  • focus
  • blur


  • DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
  • DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument


  • loadstart
  • progress
  • error
  • abort
  • load
  • loadend


Solution 2:

Any events specific to one element do not bubble: focus, blur, load, unload, change, reset, scroll, most of the DOM events (DOMFocusIn, DOMFocusOut, DOMNodeRemoved, etc), mouseenter, mouseleave, etc

Solution 3:

I can't list all the events that do not bubble.

But I find a good site that can help you to check if the events can bubble or not.

@MDN event.bubbles

Solution 4:

In addition to the rest answers, the load event on document elements bubbles, but it stops bubbling at the Document object and does not propagate on to the Window object. The load event of the Window object is triggered only when the entire document has loaded.