MacBook as a handsfree headset

Is there any way how to use laptop as a hands-free "headset" for my Android phone via Bluetooth?

Actually it's very nice to answer on calls directly from computer.

I have tried BluePhoneElite2 for that, but it is a bit slow. I'm thinking that for just a hands free headset, I should be able to use Snow Leopard without any additional software.

I have connected my phone and laptop over Bluetooth already, but what should I do to receive calls on the laptop?

OS X does not natively support the bluetooth headset profile, which is what a bluetooth device needs to support in order to act as a hands free device.

BluePhoneElite2 loads a special driver onto select phones that gets around this - likely by using a different bluetooth profile to deliver audio and phone actions.

There is currently no native solution in any version of OS X.