Flutter: SizedBox Vs Container, why use one instead of the other?

When I start to think about those two componentes I find myself arguing about why should I one instead of the other. Some questions that come to my mind:

  1. What are the differences between a Container and SizedBox?

  2. I understand that Container can have other parameters like padding or decoration, but if I will not use those, why should I use a SizedBox instead of a Container?

  3. There are performance differences between them?

Solution 1:

Small Update: When used for whitespace, there is now even a linter warning to prefer SizedBox instead of Container. The main advantage seems to be that SizedBox can be const and won't even create a new instance during runtime.

Thanks to the magic of open source, you don't have to guess too much.

Container is basically just a convenience widget which sometimes saves you to nest 4 other widgets. If you pass width/height into the Container:

       constraints =
        (width != null || height != null)
          ? constraints?.tighten(width: width, height: height)
            ?? BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width, height: height)
          : constraints,

Which will result in:

    if (constraints != null)
      current = ConstrainedBox(constraints: constraints, child: current);

And the ConstrainedBox in effect is pretty much the same as a SizedBox, just more flexible.

A SizedBox will do:

  RenderConstrainedBox createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
    return RenderConstrainedBox(
      additionalConstraints: _additionalConstraints,

  BoxConstraints get _additionalConstraints {
    return BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width, height: height);

ie. It is effectively the same. If you only use Container for width/height there might be a very minor minor negligible performance overhead. but you most certainly will not be able to measure it.. But I would still recommend SizedBox because it's way clearer. imho.

Solution 2:

I'd like to add that SizedBox is not only simpler, but it also can be made const, while Container cannot. This may or may not be something you need.

If you need a box with color you cannot use SizedBox. But https://pub.dev/packages/assorted_layout_widgets has the Box widget, which is something between a SizedBox and a Container: You can have color and it can be made const. Note I am the author of this package.