Word for the act of accepting something only because it is the unquestioned, traditional standard

Solution 1:

Status quo would work here:

Samuel never felt distinctly masculine throughout his upbringing, but since his town was very conservative to traditional gender roles, he took on a more masculine appearance throughout his life, and without thought to question, accepted the status quo.

status quo
(usually the status quo)
    The existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues.
    ‘they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo’
Source: Lexico: status quo


Since your fill-in-the-blank has been edited from he accepted ______ to he ______, it seems you are looking for a "package deal"—an intransitive verb that means "accept something for the sake of convention" rather the verb accept + a direct object that signifies that convention. So:

Conformed would work here:

Samuel never felt distinctly masculine throughout his upbringing, but since his town was very conservative to traditional gender roles, he took on a more masculine appearance throughout his life, and without thought to question, he conformed.

1 Comply with rules, standards, or laws.
‘the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations’
    1.1 (of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards.
‘the pressure to conform’
    1.2 Be similar in form or type; agree.
‘the countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque’
Source: Lexico: conform

Merriam-Webster notes:

Conform, with its prefix con-, "with" or "together", means basically "to adopt the form of those around you". Thus, employee behavior must usually conform with basic company policies. A certain philosophy may be said to conform with American values (even if we sometimes have a hard time agreeing on exactly what those are). And a Maine Coon cat or a Dandie Dinmont terrier must conform to its breed requirements in order to be registered for breeding purposes. Being a conformist is usually a safe bet; being a nonconformist, who ignores society's standards and the whole idea of conformity, can be a bit dangerous but also sometimes more fun.
Source: Merriam-Webster: conform

In that passage, you can also find noun forms to work with (was a conformist, showed conformity).

Here's the whole thing again, cleaned up a little:

Samuel never felt distinctly masculine during his upbringing, but since his conservative town expected traditional gender roles, he took on a masculine appearance throughout his life, and without questioning, he conformed [to its expectations].