Creating alias in Conemu

New answer

In latest ConEmu builds there is an Environment settings page. You may set there environment variables and aliases for cmd.exe. One line set one alias. Example:

alias cdd=cd /d $1

Old answer

You may use doskey for creating aliases. Next example supposed your installation folder is C:\Program Files\ConEmu) and your shell is cmd.exe.

Create following batch file C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu\aliases.cmd:

@echo off
doskey /EXENAME=cmd.exe cdd=cd /d $1

Start your shell in ConEmu as followed (for example, Settings -> Startup -> Command line):

cmd /k "%ConEmuBaseDir%\aliases.cmd"

Now you may type in prompt something like this

cdd D:\AnyFolder

You could use TCC/LE with ConEmu. It's a free cmd.exe replacement and, unlike Powershell, is backward compatible. You can use the ALIAS command to create and manage aliases and TCSTART to do a similar thing .bashrc does.

  • ALIAS help
  • TCSTART help

For reference purpose...

Multiple arguments: $*

Source: Settings Environment