How do I check system specifications?

I am total noob in Linux. I wanna know what is the equivalent of "My Computer" in Ubuntu 11.04. I want to check my computer specs such as Processor Speed, Memory, and etc.

Whenever I check properties in Home Folder it only gives me the HD capacity. I also tried looking at System Settings but I can't find it there. Please help.

Hit Super (Start button in windows) , Type and and open System Monitor.

enter image description here

For full details system information use HardInfo : Click to install.

HardInfo can display information about both your system's hardware and operating system.

enter image description here

for command line solutions, you can use the command lshw.

Install it if needed:

sudo apt-get install lshw

then run something like

sudo lshw -html > mySpecs.html

then check the html file.