Character Translation using Python (like the tr command)

Is there a way to do character translation / transliteration (kind of like the tr command) using Python?

Some examples in Perl would be:

my $string = "some fields";
$string =~ tr/dies/eaid/;
print $string;  # domi failed

$string = 'the cat sat on the mat.';
$string =~ tr/a-z/b/d;
print "$string\n";  # b b   b.  (because option "d" is used to delete characters not replaced)

Solution 1:

See string.translate

import string
"abc".translate(string.maketrans("abc", "def")) # => "def"

Note the doc's comments about subtleties in the translation of unicode strings.

And for Python 3, you can use directly:

str.translate(str.maketrans("abc", "def"))

Edit: Since tr is a bit more advanced, also consider using re.sub.

Solution 2:

If you're using python3 translate is less verbose:

>>> 'abc'.translate(str.maketrans('ac','xy'))

Ahh.. and there is also equivalent to tr -d:

>>> "abc".translate(str.maketrans('','','b'))

For tr -d with python2.x use an additional argument to translate function:

>>> "abc".translate(None, 'b')