Meaning of 'rut' in 'Rut he will not, nor will you.' [closed]


2. a. intransitive. Of a deer or other animal: to be under the influence of periodic sexual excitement; to take part in the annual rut. Also: to copulate.

1600 W. Vaughan Nat. & Artific. Direct. Health vi. i. 61 The fields waxe greene, hearbes and flowers doe bud, beastes rut, the birds chirp.

1889 E. Westermarck Orig. Marriage 49 The buck and the ass in southern countries..rut throughout the whole year.

1974 J. A. Michener Centennial iii. 58 When he rutted he simply climbed on the back of his mate, locking his forepaws about her.

Either that, or it is a misprint for "But"