FirebaseRemoteConfig Error "No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key"
I am using Firebase Core and some other Features, but not Remote Config. Multiple times a second the following Output is on Logcat.
Where can I disable the Remote Config functionality or even set those non-existing values?
// Project
classpath ''
classpath ''
classpath ''
classpath ''
// Module
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.11.3'
implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.11.0'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.jsibbold:zoomage:1.2.0'
implementation ''
implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828'
implementation ''
W/FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'sessions_max_length_minutes'.
W/FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'sessions_max_length_minutes'.
W/FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'sessions_feature_enabled'.
W/FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'sessions_max_length_minutes'.
W/FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'fpr_vc_trace_sampling_rate'.
W/FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'sessions_feature_enabled'.
W/FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'fpr_vc_trace_sampling_rate'.
It is not causing any problems I think, just annoying that it spams the Console.
Solution 1:
Firebase answer to my bug report:
It seems that you're getting some warning about Remote Config. We managed to reproduce on our end, and our engineers have confirmed that this is working as intended. This happens because the Performance Monitoring SDK was added on your app. This is because Performance Monitoring uses Firebase Remote Config internally. However, our engineers have confirmed that they will try to reduce these warnings in the future. For now, you can ignore these as it's only a warning, and should not affect the app's performance.
Solution 2:
It comes from last versions of firebase-perf
(for example, 16.2.5), because it has internal firebase-remote-config
I have the same issue, but I don't know how to properly fix this log spam (except "Fold lines like this" option in logcat).
I hope Firebase team will fix it soon.
Solution 3:
Firebase Performance released version 19.0.8
last week to address log spam issue. (see Release Note You can update your dependency
to be the same or higher version to validate the fix.
To explain more about the reason of this issue: Firebase Performance utilizes Firebase Remote Config to sample down number of events being sent to Firebase, so it will call Firebase Remote Config API getValue(String key) every time it needs the sampling configuration value.
However, Firebase Remote Config fetch happens every 12 hours. It is possible that configuration value doesn't exist by the time of development. In this case, Firebase Performance SDK will use default value.
When the configuration value doesn't exist, Firebase Remote Config will generate this log for warning, which is the source of log spam for Firebase Performance users. (See Source Code)
We have reduced Firebase Performance's call frequency to Firebase Remote Config to avoid triggering this log.
Solution 4:
If you use Firebase Console, setting both values in the Remote Config tab stops the warnings.
I've used: (as string values)
- Parameter key: sessions_max_length_minutes | Value: "15"
- Parameter key: sessions_feature_enabled | Value: "true"
Not sure if there are any side effects, but (hopefully) it's an internal testing thing and doesn't change anything.