Scan app for Samsung SCX-4100

Trying to get a scanner app or program or anything for my Samsung SCX-4100 to scan onto Ubuntu 14.10.

Have tried 6 of the scanner programs, but they cannot see the scanner. It works OK with Windows!

As a printer, it works fine with Ubuntu.

Solution 1:

In Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo bash -c 'echo "deb debian extra" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo dpkg -i suldr-keyring_2_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install suld-driver-4.00.39

In the driver deb configuration file select the user(s) that need to be added to the lp group in order to be able to use the scan.

You will need to log out and in again.

Solution 2:

This seems to be Launchpad bug #1026159. A commenter on the bug tracker suggests a workaround:

Open a terminal and type:

gksudo gedit /etc/sane.d/xerox_mfp.conf

At the end of the file copy/paste these two lines, save and exit:

# Samsung SCX-4100
usb 0x04e8 0x3413

Now the same for the second file. From terminal type:

gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules

Now, NOT at the end of the file as earlier, but around row 832, close to Samsung scx-4200, add the following two rows:

# Samsung SCX-4100
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3413", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"

Save, close […].

Restart the saned daemon:

sudo service saned restart

Scanner should be ready to be used.

(I changed sudo gedit to the saner gksudo gedit and removed the unnecessary reboot in favour of a daemon restart.)