Help writing a clever analogy for an essay [closed]

I'm a final year high school student trying to write a university essay on the importance of insight (deep understanding) or intuition in physics as opposed to math which relies on rigorous formulation.

Can anyone think of a clever statement expressing the importance of 1) a deep understanding (insight) and 2) mathematical formulation or rigour, those two requirements being expressed in the light of a clue that both are necessary for physics to work and that physics cannot exist without both.

I was thinking that maybe an analogy like “intuition and math are to physics as...”.

Edit: A more precise context, as requested:

“Rigorous reasoning is crucial in mathematics, and insight plays an important secondary role these days. In the natural sciences, I would say that the order of these two virtues is reversed. Rigor is, of course, very important. But the most important value is insight—insight into the workings of the world. It may be because there is another guarantor of correctness in the sciences, namely, the empirical evidence from observation and experiments.”

I want a statement expressing the necessity and importance of both insight and mathematical formulation; the basic idea of my paragraph is that physics cannot work without one of them, and how I learned that as I matured academically

I would go with a biological analogy: if intuition and maths are the flesh and bones of physics, then maths is certainly the bones: it provides strength, structure and substance. Intuition, then, plays the part of the flesh, it gives form, function, and - importantly - movement: progress. Without intuition, physics would be as static as a museum skeleton.