Changing the image source using jQuery

My DOM looks like this:

<div id="d1">
   <div class="c1">
            <a href="#"><img src="img1_on.gif"></a>
            <a href="#"><img src="img2_on.gif"></a>

When someone clicks on an image, I want the image src to change to <img src="imgx_off.gif"> where x represents the image number 1 or 2.

Is this possible or do I have to use CSS to change the images?

You can use jQuery's attr() function. For example, if your img tag has an id attribute of 'my_image', you would do this:

<img id="my_image" src="first.jpg"/>

Then you can change the src of your image with jQuery like this:


To attach this to a click event, you could write:

    'click': function(){

To rotate the image, you could do this:

    'click': function() {
         var src = ($(this).attr('src') === 'img1_on.jpg')
            ? 'img2_on.jpg'
            : 'img1_on.jpg';
         $(this).attr('src', src);

One of the common mistakes people do when change the image source is not waiting for image load to do afterward actions like maturing image size etc. You will need to use jQuery .load() method to do stuff after image load.

$('yourimageselector').attr('src', 'newsrc').load(function(){
    this.width;   // Note: $(this).width() will not work for in memory images


Reason for editing:

In case you update the image multiple times and it gets CACHED and does not update, add a random string at the end:

// update image in dom
$('#target').attr('src', '' + Math.random());

For more information. I try setting src attribute with attr method in jquery for ad image using the syntax for example: $("#myid").attr('src', '/images/sample.gif');

This solution is useful and it works but if changing the path change also the path for image and not working.

I've searching for resolve this issue but not found nothing.

The solution is putting the '\' at the beginning the path: $("#myid").attr('src', '\images/sample.gif');

This trick is very useful for me and I hope it is useful for other.