App is removed because of Unauthorized Use of Copyrighted Content

I published an app on play store, it was on play store for a few weeks, but recently my application is removed from play store. After re_checking my app, i found that my app has an activy that shows film trailer image. if user click on an image my app will play film trailer video. My question is : Is this the main reason of app removing on play store?

Indeed, there are a lot of reasons an app can be removed from Google Play. They could be:

  • Because in your description of your app, you use the names of some famous apps. This will violate the metadata policy of Google.
  • Because you use some copyrighted content without evidence of permission or something like that.
  • Because the name of your app contains some words of other popular apps.

Usually, they won't remove your app unless you update a newer version. But sometimes they check it manually for some random apps, then your app will be removed.

But don't worry too much, you can re-publish your app again with the same number of installs and ratings.