Solution 1:

A good question. Showing dictionary definitions (which should accompany the question) would in itself not resolve this. Polysemy and perhaps hypernymy is going on.

Perhaps Merriam-Webster best illustrates the problem (I've re-ordered to help a logical approach) (and note that the speaker or what they say may be labelled glib):

Definition of glib

  • 1a: showing little forethought or preparation : OFFHAND glib answers

  • c: lacking depth and substance : SUPERFICIAL

  • b: marked by ease and informality : NONCHALANT glib solutions to knotty problems

So (a) not given what others might consider necessary forethought and/or (b) lacking depth and real substance (probably, if applicable, as a consequence of (a)) and/or marked by ease of speaking or decision-making (an obviously somewhat misleading skill, if senses (a) and (b) also apply).

These senses are conflated, with perhaps a hint at temporal re-ordering (fluency leading to sloppiness), in M-W's sense (2):

  • 2: marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful a glib politician