What's another word for "fancy knowledge"? [closed]

Solution 1:

When a government (corporation, etc) puts forward interpretations of scientifically collated data in such a way that the average person doesn't understand exactly how the ensuing decisions were made ('Polcaster is in Covid-avoidance Level four for the next three months'), though it speaks as though the rulings were indisputable based on the evidence, it is often said to be baffling [the population] with science. A fixed expression, too transparent to be called an idiom.

  • ... learned that these emissions included a chemical substance known as dioxin, experts baffled them with science and told them that dioxin was not a problem.

Robert Allen_The Dioxin War... Truth and Lies

One might say 'The science is wrong', but it's more accurate to say that the way scientific results are analysed, presented and acted upon is often incompetent or skewed to favour an already decided agenda. Which may not per se be the wrong aganda, we must remember.

Trying to trick people by the clever use of language (obviously related, but not necessarily involving the spinning of detailed knowledge) is obscurantism, dissimulation ... spin in its usual negative register.

If the language is in a scientific/technical register (again, there is no requirement for skilfully presented data), the term technobabble is often used.

Solution 2:

Baffle them with Bovine Excrement is the accurate if less colorful phrasing of expression.

You may be looking for a single word for specialized knowledge that they pretend to have, just long enough to distract the child like listener so they can take credit for solving the problem. Junk Science is another two word possibility. I'll settle for Crap. More's the pity.