Is there a term that describes the joy you get from something that you consistently love?

I'm trying to find the word that juxtaposes with novelty. Novelty is usually to describe things that are enjoyable because they are new. I'm looking for a term that describes things that are enjoyable and are NOT new.

For example, you see your partner everyday. You see them and it brings you joy every single time. The feeling is subtler than the quick happiness of novelty, but much deeper and intimate.

Here is an example sentence: I enjoy browsing Facebook for the novelty. I enjoy listening to my favorite song because of the [INSERT_WORD]

Here are the words I've considered and why they don't work:

  • Nostalgia: Very similar, except nostalgia has a negative connotation with the wistful desire. This is a tad bit different because it's not a wistful desire as much as it is a fulfilled happiness.
  • Homecoming: Emotionally similar but awkward
  • Hearth: Has the right vibe but not the right associations
  • Home: Same as hearth

The best word would be a noun that describes the feeling most accurately.

I would prefer a single word, but I suspect that there isn't a single word. I would accept a compound word or a new word.

Something close to that could be contentment

Contentment is an emotional state of satisfaction that can be seen as a mental state, maybe drawn from being at ease in one's situation, body and mind.

The article on ataraxia might also give you some further ideas.

I would think that one would feel warmhearted at the sight of the person oneloves. I think in a less formal register, cosy or comfy (comfortable) might cover your meaning, because they retain the connotation of intimacy with someone.

I reckon satisfaction fits well enough. joy naturally accompanies satisfaction— A commonplace word for something that is often hard to come by.

If this answer sounds a trifle commonplace and you want a fancy word that captures this feeling (which comes when you hear that favourite song of yours), I suggest this beautiful word— je ne sais quoi

something (such as an appealing quality) that cannot be adequately described or expressed

a young actress who has a certain je ne sais quoi.
