Passport laravel createToken Personal access client not found

After setup of passport, I have configured and created a controller to manage Register-Login- and - access to a resource for a general external post request. I do not need for a specific client. But when I try to create a token in the registration or in the login:


The error is:

RuntimeException: Personal access client not found. Please create one. in file C:\xampp7.1\htdocs\passport\vendor\laravel\passport\src\ClientRepository.php on line 94 Stack trace: 1. RuntimeException->() C:\xampp7.1\htdocs\passport\vendor\laravel\passport\src\ClientRepository.php:94 2. Laravel\Passport\ClientRepository->personalAccessClient() C:\xampp7.1\htdocs\passport\vendor\laravel\passport\src\PersonalAccessTokenFactory.php:71

How can I solve it?

for me it solved by running

php artisan passport:install

because it have been happened after refreshing my database.

You have to create access clients first. It is documented here. An access client it not the same than a user token, you can have one access client and many users with different passwords and tokens.

In addition to the namelivia's comment. As Laravel doc says:

Before your application can issue personal access tokens, you will need to create a personal access client. You may do this using the passport:client command with the --personal option. If you have already run the passport:install command, you do not need to run this command:

php artisan passport:client --personal

But if you did not run the command:

php artisan passport:install

You should run it first.

After running the command

php artisan passport:client --personal

and give you this prompt

 What should we name the personal access client? [Artisan Personal Access Client]:

don't worry just type in any name and press the enter key.