Are dashes allowed in javascript property names?

I was looking at to create a simple plugin for jQuery. Following the section about options and settings, I did the following, which didn't work (the script quit when it encountered the setting).

var settings = {
    'location' : 'top',
    'background-color': 'blue'
$this.css('backgroundColor', settings.background-color); // fails here

Once I removed the dash from the background color, things work properly.

var settings = {
    'location' : 'top',
    'backgroundColor': 'blue' // dash removed here
$this.css('backgroundColor', settings.backgroundColor); 

Am I missing something, or are the jQuery docs wrong?

Solution 1:

no. the parser will interpret it as the subtract operator.

you can do settings['background-color'].

Solution 2:

Change settings.background-color to settings['background-color'].

Variables cannot contain - because that is read as the subtract operator.

Solution 3:

Dashes are not legal in javascript variables. A variable name must start with a letter, dollar sign or underscore and can be followed by the same or a number.

Solution 4:

You can do something like this:

var myObject = {
  propertyOne: 'Something',
  'property-two': 'Something two'  

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