A function $T: \mathbb N \rightarrow \mathbb N$ is time constructible if $T(n) \geq n$ and there is a $TM$ $M$ that computes the function $x \mapsto \llcorner T(\vert x\vert) \lrcorner$ in time $T(n)$. ($\llcorner T(\vert x\vert) \lrcorner$ denotes the binary representation of the number $T(\vert x\vert)$.)

Examples for time-constructible functions are $n$, $nlogn$, $n^2$, $2^n$. Time bounds that are not time constructible can lead to anomalous results.

--Arora, Barak.

This is the definition of time-constructible functions in Computational Complexity - A Modern Approach by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak.

It is hard to find valid examples of non-time-constructible functions. $f(n)=c$ is an example of a non-time-constructible function. What more (sophisticated) examples are out there?

You can use the time hierarchy theorem to create a counter-example.

You know by the THT that DTIME($n$)$\subsetneq$DTIME($n^2$), so pick a language which is in DTIME($n^2$)$\backslash$DTIME($n$). For this language you have a Turing machine $A$ which decideds if a string is in the language in time $O(n^2)$ and $\omega(n)$. You can now define the following function

$f(n) = 2\cdot n+A(n)$

If it is time constructible it contradicts the THT.

According to the definition of Arora, trigonometric functions are not good counter-examples since they are not functions from $\mathbb{N}$ to $\mathbb{N}$.

However, the function $TUC : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$ defined by $TUC(n) = n$ if $M_n(n) \neq n$ and $TUC(n) = 2n + 1$ otherwise, is not time-constructible:

Suppose there exists $M$ that computes $TUC$ in $TUC(n)$ time, then there exist $n$ such that $M = M_n$ (cf. encoding of a Turing machine in Arora's book), but

-if $TUC(n) = n$, then $M(n) \neq n$ and so $TUC(n) \neq n$ $\rightarrow$ contradiction.

-if $TUC(n) = 2n +1 $, then $M(n) = n$ and so $TUC(n) = n$ $\rightarrow$ contradiction.

Both cases end up to a contradiction so $TUC$ is not time-constructible.