How to get the clicked link's href with jquery?

Does anyone know how can I get the clicked link's href with jquery? I have the link as following:

    <a  href="ID=1" class="testClick">Test1.</a>
    <br />
    <a  href="ID=2" class="testClick">Test2.</a>
    <br />
    <a  href="ID=3" class="testClick">Test3.</a>

I wrote a code as following to get the href value from the link I clicked on. But somehow this is always return me the 1st link's href (ID=1) even though I clicked on Test2 or Test3. Does anyone know what is it going on here? and how can I solve this issue?

    $(".testClick").click(function () {
        var value = $(".testClick").attr("href");
        alert(value );

this in your callback function refers to the clicked element.

   $(".addressClick").click(function () {
        var addressValue = $(this).attr("href");
        alert(addressValue );

You're looking for $(this).attr("href");