Git Server Like GitHub? [closed]

I am a long time Subversion user that is going to try Git. I have read some about it and understand the distributed nature - I can see a lot of the benefits.

However, I do like the idea of a central server that can take on the role of backups, system of record, etc, while still using Git for my local branching and sharing. I am not doing an open source project, so I can't use Github (without paying), so my question really is: what is a best practice way to run a local git server?

I realize this may be against the standard Git usage pattern, but it will be useful for my project. Any concerns that I may have overlooked are always welcome, however.


Solution 1:

You can just set up an ssh server and run a central repository there. All developers then simply agree (as a matter of policy) to push to the server when they are done making commits. This is the usage pattern at my workplace. Very CVS and SVN-like.

  1. Find somewhere to put the repository (/var/gitroot for example).
  2. Create a new repo (mkdir project.git && cd project.git && git init --bare --shared=group).
  3. Then on your client, clone the remote repo (git clone ssh:// && cd project)
  4. add some files (git add README)
  5. commit (git commit -m "Initial import"),
  6. push (git push origin master)

This should set things up for you.

Solution 2:

Gitorious is an open source web interface to git that you can run on your own server, much like github:

Update: is another alternative now as well.

Update 2:

Gitorious has now joined with GitLab

Solution 3:

Try GitLab

The best git GUI tool i have ever used. It is very similar to GitHub.

It is open source (MIT License) and is the most installed git management software with over 25.000 installation. It has monthly releases and an active community with over 375 contributors. You can have unlimited private, internal and public repositories on your own server. It is a Ruby on Rails app that runs on most Unix platforms.