Does Mass Effect 3 have a secret ending?

There's a rumor that if you finish a second game of ME3 or import a ME2 save file you get an extra secret ending. I've also heard that this is just:

The epilogue with the child and the old man, or the Shepard lives ending if you pick destroy with greater than 4000.

Anyone know for sure?

Solution 1:

There isn't any secret ending, there is only a "perfect" ending which gives you hope that Shepard survived, that's it. But as mentioned by Vasil, you need to destroy all synthetic life and get AT LEAST 4.000 Effective military strength and "save" Anderson by either having high enough paragon or renegade or by shooting the Illusive man. This is the only "secret" ending I know of.

Solution 2:

I beat ME3 with the military strenth of over 5000 and i destroyed the reapers with an imported ME2 profile and all a got was hope that shepard lived and a little clip at he end with an old man talking to his kid about the story of shepared