Color-based antonym of "blues"?
Solution 1:
Will peachy do?
Peachy (adj):
- Resembling a peach, especially in color or texture.
- [Informal] Splendid; fine.
[American Heritage Dictionary]
Solution 2:
The colour pink is associated with health and happiness:
From Farlex
in the pink
Healthy; in good condition.
and Farlex also has
tickled pink
Very pleased with someone or something.
So perhaps
Sridhar is tickled pink; he sees no reason not to enjoy this moment, regardless of the situation he is in.
Solution 3:
Credit goes to Jens Petersen on Twitter
Melancholy is dark blue, the opposite temperament is Sanguine: yellow
EDIT: Even though Jens described sanguine as "yellow", the dictionary definition below says it is "blood-red" (see comments for further context).