Where i can find Scheduled Jobs in Oracle SQL Developer?

Need to know following points:

  1. Where to locate Scheduled jobs in Oracle SQL Developer?
  2. How to remove default date format from SQL Developer.

Solution 1:

Jobs can be found within the "Scheduler" node through the "Connections" tab (note: the "Scheduler" node is not provided within the "Schema Browser" tab): Jobs can be found within the "Scheduler" node through the "Connections" tab

Alternatively, query

select * from user_scheduler_jobs; 

select * from user_jobs;

for jobs created with DBMS_SCHEDULER or DBMS_JOB, respectively.

Date format can be set in "Tools" - "Preference"s menu, under the "Database" node, NLS settings.


If you want to specify format every time, you can do that in both TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions (depending on what you're doing). Here are a few examples:

SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi') one_date,
  2         to_char(date '2019-08-25', 'mon, dd yyyy') two_date,
  3         to_date('12-18-2018 13:22', 'mm-dd-yyyy hh24:mi') three_date
  4  from dual;

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08.03.2019 13:15 kol, 25 2019 18.12.2018 13:22:00