Can I use Office365 or Azure AD as master record for Active Directory?

Solution 1:

Short answer: No. However, like @Nathan-C described, you can stand up the required services using Azure Iaas (either DC+DirSync+ADFS or DC+Dircync w/pwd sync) in order to achieve single sign-on between your your Office365 apps and your on-prem apps. You would need to deploy a VPN link between Azure and your local network.

Azure AD is NOT "regular" Active Directory.

Solution 2:

All of this information is old, I just wanted to help someone that was looking for it. Today 10/25/2016 I have 20 or so windows 10 laptops that connect and work with Azure AD services directly. It integrates and works perfectly with o365 and many other "cloud" services from Microsoft.

Solution 3:

Microsoft recently started offering actual Active Directory services in Azure:; if you only need centralized authentication, they can fully replace a local AD.