Convert from DateTime to INT

Solution 1:

EDIT: Casting to a float/int no longer works in recent versions of SQL Server. Use the following instead:

select datediff(day, '1899-12-30T00:00:00', my_date_field)
from mytable

Note the string date should be in an unambiguous date format so that it isn't affected by your server's regional settings.

In older versions of SQL Server, you can convert from a DateTime to an Integer by casting to a float, then to an int:

select cast(cast(my_date_field as float) as int)
from mytable

(NB: You can't cast straight to an int, as MSSQL rounds the value up if you're past mid day!)

If there's an offset in your data, you can obviously add or subtract this from the result

You can convert in the other direction, by casting straight back:

select cast(my_integer_date as datetime)
from mytable

Solution 2:

select DATEDIFF(dd, '12/30/1899', mydatefield)