Plotting with C# [closed]

Solution 1:

There is OxyPlot which I recommend. It has packages for WPF, Metro, Silverlight, Windows Forms, Avalonia UI, XWT. Besides graphics it can export to SVG, PDF, Open XML, etc. And it even supports Mono and Xamarin for Android and iOS. It is actively developed too.

There is also a new (at least for me) open source .NET plotting library called Live-Charts. The plots are pretty interactive. Library suports WPF, WinForms and UWP. Xamarin is planned. The design is made towards MV* patterns. But @Paweł Audionysos suggests not such a good performance of Live-Charts WPF.

Solution 2:

ZedGraph is a good choice.

Solution 3:

See Samples Environment for Microsoft Chart Controls:

The samples environment for Microsoft Chart Controls for .NET Framework contains over 200 samples for both ASP.NET and Windows Forms. The samples cover every major feature in Chart Controls for .NET Framework. They enable you to see the Chart controls in action as well as use the code as templates for your own web and windows applications.

Seems to be more business oriented, but may be of some value to science students and scientists.

Solution 4:

gnuplot is an actively maintained program widely used in the scientific community. Normally plots are generated from data files which you can write out in your C# program, but it is also possible to call the gnuplot executable from C# and display the generated image in a C# picture box.

Solution 5:

I started using the new ASP.NET Chart control a few days ago, and it's absolutely amazing in its capabilities.

Here is the link.

EDIT: This is obviously only if you are using ASP.NET. Not sure about WinForms.