AppleScript: Open a new window in current space without switching to active window in another space

I want to have an application open a new window in the current space without switching to a space in which a window is already open, but I want to keep the

When switching to an application, switch to a space with open windows for the application

setting in System Preferences > Mission Control.

In other words, I want to tell an application to open a new window directly, without first telling it to activate.

How can I do this with AppleScript (if possible)?

Solution 1:

Some applications have an action for opening a new window in their Dock context menu.

Other options for different applications:

tell application "TextEdit"
    make new document
end tell

tell application "Safari"
    make new document at end of documents with properties {URL:""}
end tell

tell application "Terminal"
    do script ""
end tell

tell application "System Events" to tell process "iTerm"
    click menu item "New Window" of menu "Shell" of menu bar 1
    set frontmost to true
end tell

tell application "Google Chrome"
    make new window
end tell