"on here" vs "in here" for websites

I'm wondering whether to use "on here" or "in here" to refer to the current website.

Be skeptical of what you read on here.


Be skeptical of what you read in here.

Is there any difference? Which is correct? I know that I can avoid this discussion altogether by writing "Be skeptical of what you read here" instead, but I'm curious about "in here" vs "on here" for websites.

Solution 1:

I think it comes down to context. Some websites, particularly where small(ish) or common interest groups hang out with each other, feel to users like a place they inhabit, so "in here" is appropriate for them. Similarly for chat servers. For most websites, "here" or “here on [site name]” would make more sense. I think most people prefer "on this [web]site" to "on here", which sounds slightly awkward to my ears.