What is "traditional style of param serialization' in JQuery

Do you know what is "traditional style of param serialization" for jQuery.ajax() as mentioned in http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/ ?

Can you give some introduction?


Have a look at the documentation of jQuery.param():

As of jQuery 1.4, the $.param() method serializes deep objects recursively to accommodate modern scripting languages and frameworks such as PHP and Ruby on Rails. You can disable this functionality globally by setting jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional = true;.


var p = {foo: [1,2,3], bar: 42};

setting traditional to true generates


While e.g. Python can handle these parameters, i.e. it generates a list for foo, PHP will only consider the last foo parameter.

But now by default, the result of the serialization is (actually it is URI encoded)


which can be better handled, as mentioned, by PHP and RoR.

Or maybe even more interesting is this. Given:

var p = {foo: {1: [3,4], 2:2,3:3}, bar: 42};

traditional produces:

foo=[object Object]&bar=42

which is clearly not useful in comparison with the "new" way:
