Is there a single word that means bringing something up to standard? [closed]

To queer people for whom it is unsafe to come out, I say, I am so sorry. You are beautiful, you are handsome, you are normal, you are wonderful, you are precious, and you are worthy. Whether you are out or not. The closet is the worst prison, and I my deepest desire for you is that your world is soon brought up to standard, that you will have the freedom to be who you were meant to be, the freedom to love yourself.

I'm looking for a word to replace brought up to standard. The best I can come up with is cured, but cured means that it was once already in a healthy state, and is being restored to it; that is not the case in my scenario.

I want a word that means to mature and to make right something that has never been right. The word might be rectify, but onomatopoetically, that sounds too ... mechanical?


My first thought was normalized.


  1. bring or return to a normal or standard condition or state. "the situation had normalized"
