Unable to import sqlite3 using Anaconda Python
Solution 1:
I got this working on windows by downloading: the sqlite3 dll (find your system version)
And placing it into the folder: C:\Users\YOURUSER\Anaconda3\DLLs
(Depending on how you installed Anaconda, this may have to be placed into
the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\DLLs
According to @alireza-taghdisian, you can locate the exact path of your conda environments (where you need to copy the sqlite3 dll) by typing:
conda info --envs
on your anaconda prompt.
Solution 2:
Locate the sqlite3.dll file. In my case it was in following folder
where C:\Users\Admin\anaconda3
is the folder where Anaconda was installed
Add this to PATH in environment variables, and it should work then.
Solution 3:
Please check https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/4332 I added anaconda root/Library/bin to my PATH and now it works!