How to determine which forks on GitHub are ahead?

After clicking "Insights" on top and then "Forks" on the left, the following bookmarklet prints the info directly onto the web page like this:


The code to add as a bookmarklet (or to paste into the console):

javascript:(async () => {
  /* while on the forks page, collect all the hrefs and pop off the first one (original repo) */
  const aTags = [...document.querySelectorAll('div.repo a:last-of-type')].slice(1);

  for (const aTag of aTags) {
    /* fetch the forked repo as html, search for the "This branch is [n commits ahead,] [m commits behind]", print it directly onto the web page */
    await fetch(aTag.href)
      .then(x => x.text())
      .then(html => aTag.outerHTML += `${html.match(/This branch is.*/).pop().replace('This branch is', '').replace(/([0-9]+ commits? ahead)/, '<font color="#0c0">$1</font>').replace(/([0-9]+ commits? behind)/, '<font color="red">$1</font>')}`)

You can also paste the code into the address bar, but note that some browsers delete the leading javascript: while pasting, so you'll have to type javascript: yourself.

It has been modified from this answer.


The following bookmarklet also prints the links to the ZIP files:


The code to add as a bookmarklet (or to paste into the console):

javascript:(async () => {
  /* while on the forks page, collect all the hrefs and pop off the first one (original repo) */
  const aTags = [...document.querySelectorAll('div.repo a:last-of-type')].slice(1);

  for (const aTag of aTags) {
    /* fetch the forked repo as html, search for the "This branch is [n commits ahead,] [m commits behind]", print it directly onto the web page */
    await fetch(aTag.href)
      .then(x => x.text())
      .then(html => aTag.outerHTML += `${html.match(/This branch is.*/).pop().replace('This branch is', '').replace(/([0-9]+ commits? ahead)/, '<font color="#0c0">$1</font>').replace(/([0-9]+ commits? behind)/, '<font color="red">$1</font>')}` + " <a " + `${html.match(/href="[^"]*\.zip">/).pop() + "Download ZIP</a>"}`)

Had exactly the same itch and wrote a scraper that takes the info printed in the rendered HTML for forks:

Definitely not perfect, but a temporary solution.

Late to the party - I think this is the second time I've ended up on this SO post so I'll share my js-based solution (I ended up making a bookmarklet by just fetching and searching the html pages). You can either create a bookmarklet from this, or simply paste the whole thing into the console. Works on chromium-based and firefox:

EDIT: if there are more than 10 or so forks on the page, you may get locked out for scraping too fast (429 too many requests in network). Use async / await instead:

javascript:(async () => {
  /* while on the forks page, collect all the hrefs and pop off the first one (original repo) */
  const forks = [...document.querySelectorAll('div.repo a:last-of-type')].map(x => x.href).slice(1);

  for (const fork of forks) {
    /* fetch the forked repo as html, search for the "This branch is [n commits ahead,] [m commits behind]", print it to console */
    await fetch(fork)
      .then(x => x.text())
      .then(html => console.log(`${fork}: ${html.match(/This branch is.*/).pop().replace('This branch is ', '')}`))

or you can do batches, but it's pretty easy to get locked out

javascript:(async () => {
  /* while on the forks page, collect all the hrefs and pop off the first one (original repo) */
  const forks = [...document.querySelectorAll('div.repo a:last-of-type')].map(x => x.href).slice(1);

  getfork = (fork) => {
    return fetch(fork)
      .then(x => x.text())
      .then(html => console.log(`${fork}: ${html.match(/This branch is.*/).pop().replace('This branch is ', '')}`))

  while (forks.length) {
    await Promise.all(forks.splice(0, 2).map(getfork));

Original (this fires all requests at once and will possibly lock you out if it is more requests/s than github allows)

javascript:(() => {
  /* while on the forks page, collect all the hrefs and pop off the first one (original repo) */
  const forks = [...document.querySelectorAll('div.repo a:last-of-type')].map(x => x.href).slice(1);

  for (const fork of forks) {
    /* fetch the forked repo as html, search for the "This branch is [n commits ahead,] [m commits behind]", print it to console */
      .then(x => x.text())
      .then(html => console.log(`${fork}: ${html.match(/This branch is.*/).pop().replace('This branch is ', '')}`))

Will print something like: 289 commits behind original:master. 489 commits behind original:master. 1 commit ahead, 501 commits behind original:master.

to console.

EDIT: replaced comments with block comments for paste-ability