Simply connected does not imply contractible. Is there a nice counter example in $R^2$?

The standard counter example to the claim that a simply connected space might be contractible is a sphere $S^n$, with $n > 1$, which is simply connected but not contractible. Suppose that I were interested in a counter example in the plane - does anyone know of a subset of $R^2$ which is simply connected but not contractible?

Consider the topologist sine curve

$$y = \sin \bigg(\frac{1}{x}\bigg),\ 1\geq x>0$$

together with the interval $\{(0, t): |t|\leq 1\}$ and a curve joining this interval with the graph. This is simply connected but is not contractible. You may find the proof of noncontractibility in

John's answer is absolutely correct, but here is an addendum to it: All proper subsets $Z$ of the plane are aspherical in the sense that every continuous map $$ f: S^n\to Z, n>1, $$ extends to a continuous map of the ball, $B^{n+1}\to Z$. See the paper One-dimensional sets and planar sets are aspherical by Cannon, Conner and Zastrow.