Nginx redirect one path to another

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find a solution that works.

A website has switched CMS services, but has the same domain, how do I set up an nginx rewrite for a single page?


Old Page

New page

Please note, I don't want everything within the content page to be redirected, but literally just the url mentioned above. I have about 9 redirects to set up, non of which fit in a pattern.


Edit: I found this solution, which seems to be working, except for the fact that it redirects without a slash:

if ( $request_filename ~ content/unique-page-name/ ) {
   rewrite ^ permanent;

But this redirects to:

Direct quote from Pitfalls and Common Mistakes: Taxing Rewrites:

By using the return directive we can completely avoid evaluation of regular expression.

Please use return instead of rewrite for permanent redirects. Here's my approach to this use-case...

location = /content/unique-page-name {
  return 301 /new-name/unique-page-name;

Ideally you shouldn't use if statements if you can avoid it. Something like this could work (untested).

location ~ /content/(.*)$ {
    rewrite ^ /new-name/$1?$args permanent;

I used the following solution:

rewrite ^(/content/unique-page-name)(.*)$$2 permanent;

Works a treat.