Is it possible to scale drawableleft & drawableright in textview?

I have TextView with drawableLeft & drawableRight in List item. The problem is, whenever the height of TextView is larger, drawableLeft & drawableLeft didn't automatically scale based on the height of the TextView.

Is it possible to scale the height of drawableLeft & drawableRight in TextView ? (I was using 9 patch image)

textview drawableleft & drawableright's height problem

This might help you out. There are two properties scaleX and scaleY

The code below will scale down the image and the text with 30%. Therefore you have to increase the font size with that many "sp", so that when it get re-sized (scaled) it would fit the "sp" you prefer.

Example. If I set the font to 18, then 30% out of 18 is 5.4sp, so roughly, this is the value I am targeting at, because when it gets scaled, it would become 13sp


The last thing to do is set the CompundDrawable.

tview.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(getResources().getDrawable(, null, null, null);

I solved an equivalent usecase by introducing a ScaleDrawable and overriding its .getIntrisicHeight() so that it is at least the TextView height. The TextView.addOnLayoutChangeListener part, required to rebind the Drawable on a TextView size change works with API11+

Drawable underlyingDrawable = 
        new BitmapDrawable(context.getResources(), result);

// Wrap to scale up to the TextView height
final ScaleDrawable scaledLeft = 
        new ScaleDrawable(underlyingDrawable, Gravity.CENTER, 1F, 1F) {
    // Give this drawable a height being at
    // least the TextView height. It will be
    // used by
    // TextView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds
    public int getIntrinsicHeight() {
        return Math.max(super.getIntrinsicHeight(), 

// Set explicitly level else the default value
// (0) will prevent .draw to effectively draw
// the underlying Drawable

// Set the drawable as a component of the
// TextView
        scaledLeft, null, null, null);

// If the text is changed, we need to
// re-register the Drawable to recompute the
// bounds given the new TextView height
competitorView.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new OnLayoutChangeListener() {

    public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, 
            int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
        competitorView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(scaledLeft, null, null, null);

The only acceptable answer here should be to use an ImageView with the scaleTypes as per usual. Hacky work arounds to scale an image on a TextView that isn't supported by Android seems.. unnecessary. Use the SDK as it was intended.