TightVNC viewer doesn't show anything when I click/type

there are a number of options in the TightVNC server, including one ('-viewonly') that disallows keyboard and mouse input from the viewer. On your Ubuntu box, do you have a ~/.vnc/xstartup file defined? Which options are you starting your TightVNC server with?

Quoting the message here:

On the remote machine (the one you are remoting to); System->Preferences->Appearance “Visual effects” tab, select None.

Which refers to a Gnome setting on the Ubuntu system. Unfortunately, this turns off Compiz effects like wiggly windows.

Here's what I did: killed all vino processes and tightvncserver. Then restarted tightvncserver (without args). Connected to the box (running ubuntu) from an xp box and got what you'd expect--just like you were on the Ubuntu box, only slower.