Synonym for personal offense [closed]

One word that seems to fit is affront: "a contemptuous treatment; an open insult; indignity"

[Chambers] affront noun, an insult, especially one delivered in public. verb (affronted, affronting) 1 to insult someone, especially in public. 2 to offend the pride of someone; to embarrass.
ETYMOLOGY: 14c: from French affronter, to slap in the face.

You can consider the words / offer to be a metaphorical punch or hit. The term blow suggests this metaphor while conveying mainly the sense of hurt rather than attack.

blow (2nd set) noun 1.1 A sudden shock or disappointment. ‘the news came as a crushing blow to the cast’ ‘He was dealt a disappointing blow here yesterday when the group failed to justify hefty support.’ - Lexico

Your examples would then look like:

  • Her words were a blow to my already bruised ego, making me feel worse.
  • His kind offer to show me around was a blow to my belief that I was good at finding my way around.