Is it possible to disable auto correct (such as fixing capitalization) for a specific style template only? I'm interested in a solution for Word 2013.

This is specifically for auto correct, configured File / Options / Document proofing (?) / Auto Correct.

The purpose is to disable it for the style sheet used for code samples. Auto correct from int to Int is painful, but I don't want to lose auto correct completely.

MsWord - > In the Styles group on the Home Tab (Expand it)->Apply Style ->(Selected style is to be Normal) modify (do required modification)->Format->Language -> uncheck the spell check(if thats also not required)

for specific style you can check this link

Not sure if it's possible with templates, but you could use a macro for disabling the autocorrection features which you don't want on launch of the file and re-enable them on close.

Something in the direction like this:

Application.AutoCorrect.TwoInitialCapitals = False

or a little bit more general

Application.AutoCorrect.ReplaceText = False