Hiera lookup based on pattern

You can setup hierarchy of YAML files in order to this. Let's start with hiera.yaml:

    - "host/%{fqdn}"
    - "domain/%{domain}"
    - "env/%{::environment}"
    - "ops/%{operatingsystem}"
    - "os/%{osfamily}"
    - common
    - yaml
    :datadir: /etc/puppet/data

For the folder structure you can use any fact, that you can see in output of facter -y. e.g. you can have hiera config files for each CPU architecture. Then you would add line

- "arch/%{::architecture}"

and hiera would look let's say into arch/amd64.yaml

To debug hiera you can dump your current facts:

   $ facter -y > myhost.yaml

And look for some variable:

   $ hiera -y myhost.yml snmp_location --debug

Hiera will go through all rules and try to find the variable:

DEBUG: Mon Nov 11 11:00:23 +0100 2013: Hiera YAML backend starting
DEBUG: Mon Nov 11 11:00:23 +0100 2013: Looking up snmp_location in YAML backend
DEBUG: Mon Nov 11 11:00:23 +0100 2013: Looking for data source host/myhost.example.com
DEBUG: Mon Nov 11 11:00:23 +0100 2013: Looking for data source ops/Ubuntu
DEBUG: Mon Nov 11 11:00:23 +0100 2013: Cannot find datafile /etc/puppet/data/ops/Ubuntu.yaml, skipping

For matching $::clientcert it might be good idea to extract the top domain to a separate fact and then just have yaml files for cert/example1.org.yaml which would contain something like this:

snmp_location: 'Example Org 1'

It's good to know, that even if you have module that doesn't contain any hiera function call at all you can easily setup parameter values:

class snmp (
  $location = 'foo',
) { 
# ...

some hiera config:

snmp::location: 'Example Org 1'

I was looking for the same thing for a similar reason. and have found that hiera backedn in github helpful jjulien/hiera-regex . As an example from the project itself readme file: you have to configure a new backend that deals with the grouping as in:


  - regex
  - yaml
  :datadir: /var/lib/hiera
  :datadir: /var/lib/hiera
  - "fqdn/%{::fqdn}"
  - common


 - '^mailin-trusted.example.org$':
     postfix::smtp_relay: 'mailout-dmz.example.org'
 - '^mailout.*':
     postfix::smtp_relay: 'smtp.mailgun.org'
 - '^mailin.*':
     postfix::smtp_relay: 'localhost'

however i see several puppet-users posts and puppetlabs video are warning against using hiera for classification, especially now with the release of PE 3.7 with the node manager.